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A 2-day programme designed to empower all managers and leaders in the organisation to initiate and preside over disciplinary hearings.
We have established a COVID CREW, which is a dedicated response team who are standing by to assist you with the implementation of Health & Safety measures within the workplace.
Employees are the lifeblood of an organisation. Consequently, how staff members are selected, managed, motivated, and trained can have a significant impact on a business’s bottom line. Find out more on how to upskill your staff.
Many employers assume that the remote working conditions currently being enforced are merely temporary in nature, that these measures are simply being used to manage the spread of the Coronavirus.
Never before has EQ been more important than right now, being Emotionally Intelligent requires us to manage and be aware of our own behaviours and the impact this has on others.
We understand your concerns and your need for guidance – we can help you. We have put together a FREE support programme where we will partner with you to help you through this process.
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