Behavioural Assessments - Drake P3®
In the traditional boss-subordinate world, the boss drops work on the subordinate’s desk and says it is needed that afternoon. The employee can do as told or suggest a different approach...
Did you know that only a fraction of your staff bring their ‘A Game’ to work every day? According to companies like Aon Hewitt and the Gallup Organization, this number is about one in five...
All of a sudden, when you go from peer to leader, you have power and influence in relation to their careers and livelihoods and their ability to do valuable work that is recognized and rewarded...
Drake International and a partner of BioTalent Canada's, has launched a new portal to help address the HR needs of small to medium-sized biotech enterprises...
It's time to take stock. I'm going to assume you clicked on this article because you view yourself as a leader. I'll also assume you want to be a good one. So are you?
It's inevitable. A boss and subordinate disagree in every organization at least once or twice a day. What, if anything, can you do about it?
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