We specialise in recruiting top talent for your organisation. We leverage our national network to find the best temporary staff when you need them.
Gain access to our full roaster of Drake candidates that are fully screened and assessed, ready at a moment's notice.
You will benefit from:
Access to a large pool of fully-assessed and screened staff at short notice.
Paying only for the hours they work.
Compensation Insurance covered by Drake.
Avoiding the long-term responsibilities and overheads associated with permanent staff.
A 24-hour service and 4 hour satisfaction guarantee, ensuring your organisation gets the attention you need when the pressure is on.
2012-03-02 13:20:32
The signs of the unsuccessful do you know them?
Drew Stevens
There are times when wonders never cease to amaze me. I have built numerous alliances in my many years of business with some of these hosting my products....
Most organizations use their training investments about as strategically as they deploy their office supplies spending. And the impact on customer satisfaction, cost containment or quality improvement is just as useless.